Do What Gives You Joy and Reduce or Delegate the Things that Don’t

Are you feeling stressed, overwhelmed and overextended? Do you find yourself often uninspired or avoiding particular things or even people? Do you get sick frequently? If you are experiencing stress in your life, I recommend that you:


Before you write me off as completely crazy or as someone who must be living in another universe altogether, let me remind you of something very real. You have only one life to live, and a limited amount of time on this earth. Do you really want to spend it doing lots of things that don’t add value or joy to your life? What would your life be like if you minimized the number of things in your life that drained and depleted you and maximized the time you spend doing things that inspire and delight you? There are two levers to accomplishing this:

  1. Doing less of the things that don’t add value and joy to your life
  2. Finding the value and joy in the things that you continue to do

So, when you notice that you are feeling stressed or frustrated or overwhelmed, ask yourself if the thing you are doing is adding value to your life. Does it make you feel like this?:


If it doesn’t give you joy, ask yourself: is there ANY WAY that you can minimize how much of it you are doing? If there is, now is the time to make a change. Don’t delay. You are worth it. How can you minimize how much time you spend on it? Can you ask or pay someone else to do it for you?

If it is something you need to continue doing, can you get in touch with why you are doing it, and focus on that “why” when you do it? You might even want to make a vision board or a video to remind you of your “whys”. Here’s mine…

Life is precious and today only happens once. If it isn’t a “HELL, YES!” just say “No, thank you.”

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